Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The data that you give us or that we acquire in the course of offering our services to you will be controlled by Lamp Techs.  Lamp Techs is dedicated to protecting our website users' trust and confidence. We want you to be aware that Lamp Techs does not buy, sell, rent, or exchange email lists with other firms for marketing purposes. Simply put, we don't act in that manner. This Privacy Policy explains how we use your personal information, why we gather it, and the few circumstances in which we might share it to others.

You understand and agree to the principles described in this Privacy Policy by using this website and our services. Lamp Techs is the data controller for your personal information.


Collection and Use of Personal Information

Your name, phone number, email address, and the types of financial advice you are interested in, such as investment and pension fund amounts, are all examples of personal information. Generally speaking, you can browse our website without providing us with any personal data. We don't link a particular visit to a particular IP address. In order to engage in certain activities on our website, such as speaking with or scheduling an appointment with a Financial Advisor, you must first register. We gather personal data as part of the registration procedure.


We might also send you a profile of the financial advisors firm to which we have sent your personal information. This information is shared with the financial advisor in order to keep up our business relationship with you as a client, get in touch with you if we need to get more information from you or send you something, make sure our records are accurate, and periodically make sure you're happy and satisfied. We record every communication, and we use the recordings for training and verification. 

Your agreement to our privacy policy and completion of our registration process as well as the submission of your personal information constitute the legal basis for the processing of your information. Please take note that you always have the option to withdraw your consent. 


Use of Cookies


In order to track visitors using the Google Analytics platform, our websites employ cookies to separate you from other website users. If you accept, we will place a little text file called a cookie on your browser or the hard drive of your computer or other device. Cookies have data in them that is sent to your computer or other device. The following cookies are used by us: 

Google's performance and analytics cookies. This enables us to identify and count the number of visitors as well as track how they navigate our website while using it. This information allows us to better understand how our website functions and ensures that users can quickly discover what they're searching for, among other things. 

By turning on the setting in your browser that enables you to prevent the setting of all or certain cookies, you can block cookies. However, you might not be able to access all of our website or certain features if you block cookies.


Access to your Personal Information 

In summary, you have the following rights over your information, subject to some restrictions on those rights. You can utilize these rights by emailing 


to ask for access to your data as well as details on how your data is used and processed by us; 


to ask that your information be updated or deleted; 


You ask us to limit how we use your information; 


a structured, widely-used, and machine-readable format of the data you have given us, as well as the right to have that data transferred to another data controller (including a third party data controller); 


to object to specific uses of your information being processed; and 


Where we rely on your consent to use or process your information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please be aware that if you withdraw your consent, it will not affect the legality of how we used and processed your information based on it up until the time of your withdrawal.

Personal Data Preservation


Please be aware that we don't specify standardized time frames for keeping data. However, we regularly check the information we have and delete it when it is no longer required. 


Amendments to This Privacy Statement


Our privacy policy may occasionally be updated. As a result, you are urged to periodically check this page for updates. Any modifications will be communicated to you by posting the updated Privacy Policy on this page. These modifications take effect as soon as they are published on this page.



Message Us


Contact us at [] if you have any inquiries or recommendations on our privacy policy.